
4-17 Back with Black

The full content of the overseers post is below:

URGENT: From the Overseer [4/17/08]
Members of the Circle,

I wish I was contacting you under better circumstances, with word that Stroud is conscious (he isn't as of this morning), or that we've located the Book (we haven't). Instead, I have to inform you that the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

As you already know, Jack Stroud was apprehended yesterday at the Hoover Dam. What you may not know is that Kara was also at the scene, at my request, to coordinate with the FBI. She was scheduled to return from Nevada last night and then brief me this morning on Stroud's status.

I lost contact with her yesterday afternoon, and when she didn't call in for the scheduled briefing, my first assumption was something had gone wrong.

My suspicion was confirmed this morning when I received the following message.

While his voice and face are obscured, I believe the man in the video is Marsuvees Black. I also believe the person tied to the chair in the video may be Kara. The contents of the video lead me to believe that Black does not have the Book. If he did, he wouldn't waste his time with this side trail.

I can only guess, but I don't think Stroud had the Book with him in Nevada. Men like Stroud never make face to face hand-off's if they wish to stay alive. My guess is Stroud was surprised to find Black at the dam, Black made a move, but was thwarted and fled when the FBI moved in. We may not know what really happened until Stroud wakes. If he wakes.

Where do we stand then? The Book is still out there and the only man who knows its location is in a coma. We don't know what information, if any, Black squeezed out of him. What we do know is Black may have Kara, and is giving us 72 hours to solve a riddle. This may be a diversion so Black can buy time, but we can't leave Kara in his hands.

Watch the video for its full contents, but here is the riddle:
"The stones markedBeneath the wheelTell secrets and revealThe names.A nomad, a friar,Everyman, a liar,But the looking glassReveals the true identity."
Black wants us to tell him who he's talking about. He said the answer should be posted to the BOH.com boards, so he obviously has been watching us this whole time. Is watching us. So be watchful. As I type this I am en route to the holding facility where Stroud is. Work on finding Kara. The moment I have an update on Stroud I will pass it along.Elyon be with you, friends.
The Overseer

this info was followed by the actual video, which the transcript for is here:

"Bravo, friends. Did you really think that getting the book back would be that easy? ‘Course you did; you’re the Circle. Hopeless idealists, like Hunter himself. You should know that the book and I are like Black and White, baby. Love and Hate. Sin and Grace. We belong together. I am the puppet master and you are simple players in a game, my game. Stroud tried to play me, but he just wasn’t smart enough. Let’s play, shall we? But this time, let’s play for a prize. [Riddle] If you know, tell me, what’s the true identity? Surely you know I hold Kara’s life in the palms of my hands. You have 72 hours to post an answer on your message boards, or things will end badly for her. I’ll be watching, like always."

Soon afterward we were contacted via the message boards by black himself with the username "wanna trip?" His posts in full are:

My, isn't this fun? Watch the marionettes dance, dance, dance in circles. Never realizing that tug is the puppetmaster's string jerking them around.
*Tug* Tug* You feel me? Sure you do. *Tug* Tug*
Anyone wanna trip? I know I do. Stroud wanted to, he just didn't know how. Of course, he threw a monkey into the works yesterday. Too bad for Kara. It just delays the inevitable. I can smell the musty, old leather of the book already. Here bookie, bookie, bookie. Come to daddy... So, here we are. More precisely, here you are. I've been here all along. You've just caught up. Make you a deal: I'll let the puppets ask one question. Only one. Talk among yourselves and PM me your one question...and I don't mean one per puppet. One. Don't waste it. Why would I do that? Because I like a good showdown...and I want you to look back on Kara's demise and wonder, "What if we asked the wrong question?" Because you probably will...
One question. You have one hour.
Marsuvees Black
52 minutes.
45 minutes. Dance, puppets, dance.
*Yawn* 35 minutes. Tick tock, tick tock.
Is it cold in here, or is it just you? (talking about the previos guesses at the origional clue)
7 minutes by my watch.
4 minutes
yes, guys...an answer please. or a question. whatever.
time to trip. 30 secs.
door closes in 10...9...
and the buzzer sounds. how did we do? let's see.
Hello puppets. The question on the table is: "What is the significance of the stones of David?"
The stones of David have nothing to do with my riddle.
But, alas, you played so hard. I can't leave you with nothing, so how about I toss you a bone?
David Abraham's journal. The tattered page speaks. Thanks for playing.
and then he commented on one user's signature.

It is obvious what we must do now. We must use all this info to figure out the clue and fast! Feel free to post your ideas here if you wish.


Anonymous said...

PM ~
I think Black is talking about the wheel in the ampitheater when/where Johnnis and Sylvie are tortured. Johnnis returned and went to the underground chamber to collect the books from the "personal library." I don't remember the name of the Shaitaiki; I only remember that he was second in command. As far as the Nomad, friar, everyman a liar; I think he could be referring to Martyn/Carlos. That's my best guess at this time. I'll keep mulling it over.

Anonymous said...

Ok PM ~ The "tattered page...236" that MB is referring to has to be the burned page on page 9 of the DA journal. I recognize it as being from the cover of the book Showdown in the sillouette of Black. "Welcome to Paradise. Born of Black and White..."

Anonymous said...

PM ~ Last thoughts of the night...Pg 9 of the DA journal; burnt and torn pg from Infidel; quote off the front of Showdown; Welcome - to CO
Born - "created" or written into being in the Circle Trilogy
Worms - the slime they have been eating that has drugged them
I'm a Saint, a Sinner, a Siren - is this Johnny?
We need a hard copy of the book Showdown - I don't own one to read the next line...
Showdown at midnight - when our time runs out, maybe?
What do you think?

Luke Hobbs said...

A friar is a monk. The original Suvee was a monk.

The "Everyman, a liar" makes me think of Romans 3:4: "Let God be proven true and every man a liar." Of course, I don't have a clue what that could have to do with the riddle.

DESTINY said...